It’s 1797 and Admiral Nelson has returned to England and dines in the grand rooms of Admiral’s House at Greenwich Hospital. Upstairs in the dark attic rooms, an injured mariner and a mercurial albatross plot revenge. 1797: The Mariner’s Revenge is a tale rooted in the history of the building as a hospital for injured sailors. This unique site-specific show, which moves through the upper rooms of Admiral’s House in the Old Royal Naval College, fuses physical theatre, puppetry and booming sea shanties to immerse the audience in a salty struggle for revenge.
In September 2022 I directed 1797: The Mariner's Revenge at the Old Royal Naval College for HistoryRiot, supported by Tramshed and ACE.
The show was a site-specific promenade piece that also included chorus members from REACH, a group of SEND young adults from Tramshed in Woolwich.
Photos by Hannah Anketell.