In 2019 I became a core ensemble member of Flabbergast, having previously worked with them on The Swell Mob. After a first R&D and iteration at Wilton's Music Hall, Macbeth (performer/deviser/maker) has entered an extremely rich period of seeding and research, which has seen us train together in both Poland (The Grotowski Institute) and the UK (Yavington Studio) with Matej Matejka. We have also hosted a workshop and trained with Marie Gabrielle-Rotie, a UK-based Butoh master.
Alongside the ambition of making this a hugely physical piece, we have also been regularly doing text-work, pulling apart the relationships of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, the witches and the dark forces at work within this world. In 2022 with the support of ACE we perform Macbeth at Theatre Royal Winchester, Ludlow Fringe, St Ives Corn Exchange, Woolwich Works and the whole of Edinburgh Fringe at Assembly Roxy (Main space).